Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Yes. I have a scarecrow in my front yard

Never mind the fact that I live in inner-city Melbourne. There will always be a part of me that  pines for a simple country life. Hence, the front yard scarecrow.

Right now, what I want more than anything, is some sunny springtime weather. Which brings me to my favourite pattern of 2015: the Sallie jumpsuit.

As soon as Heather released this pattern I knew I wanted it. Like NOW. But it's definitely a summery piece and at first I couldn't work out how to make it suit Melbourne's dreary winter weather. After a middle-of-the-night revelation I realised that I could use a couple of metres of this merino French terry I had recently bought from The Fabric Store. OK, so I'd planned to make the kiddos some cosy winter track pants. Oh well. Selfless sewing be damned, I now possess the most comfortable item of clothing I have ever worn in my entire life. No joke

I've been wearing my jumpsuit to death layered over one of my Papercut turtlenecks, or with an oversized wool cardi, like this Burda Style cocoon sweater I made last year. 

I just bought some tie-dyed viscose knit from Rathdowne remnants so I am looking forward to sewing myself a strappy summer version. I also have my eye on this amazing star print cotton jersey I spotted on Etsy:

Wouldn't a star-print jumpsuit lift your spirits on the darkest of days?


  1. Ohh, you have me at French Terry ;) The simply most stylish pair of public lounging secret PJs I've seen this winter. And more scarecrow please, she's very stylish!

  2. It's seriously amazing fabric. Some of the nicest I've ever sewn/worn.

  3. Hell yeah! This is awesome!
