Friday, 21 August 2015

Silk-tastic: My Asaka kimono

The Named Asaka kimono sure packs a punch. It's such a simple make, but the sleeves are seriously amazing and really set this piece apart from other kimono patterns out there. It's my first Named make but, in spite of being forced to trace AND add seam allowances (lazy sewer says argh!), I am so impressed I will definitely heading into Named territory again and again.  As you can see, it's a pretty relaxed style so I made a size 40 with no changes.

I admit, I'm a little crazy for the silk I used for this make. It was 30% off at t he Tessuiti sale so I bought enough to also make a skirt and summer top.'ll sure see me coming when the weather warms up.

Let's face it, this is not the most practical garment, but every wardrobe needs a bit of bling here and there. Besides, I got to wear it to Frocktails when I scored a last-minute ticket. Thanks again Kat and Helen! That night I was even told it would be the perfect piece to wear on a cruise ship.  You know, as a bit of an Aaron Spelling tragic I do enjoy a Love Boat binge when I'm in the need of a pick me up. Cocktails and hot-patootie sailors, here I come.


  1. It looks absolutely fantastic! Wish that Frocktails had more chatting opportunity - didn't really get a chance to talk properly!

  2. Love this soooo much and you looked smashing on the night!

  3. Thanks ladies! You've made my day.

  4. Thanks ladies! You've made my day.

  5. Thank you for indicating what size you cut. I've been scouring the internet trying to figure out what size I should cut.
