Monday, 15 September 2014

Party time

When my BFF's sister announced she was getting married, I knew it was time to make a dress. OK, here in Brunwick, with my plethora of daggy backyard photos, it's always time to make a dress. But this time I could use Brocade!

The Elisalex is the ultimate party frock in my book and there isn't a huge amount for me to say about this one. I cut a size UK 12 but added some width to the back so that it wouldn't fall off my shoulders, which sewing has taught me, are quite narrow. The polyester brocade frayed like you wouldn't believe, but it was tougher than I anticipated and pressed quite well.

I shortened the tulip skirt and I think it is just the right amount of pouffy, sitting nicely with the fitted bodice. I am actually working on another Elisalex - this time in an awesome and slightly weird vintage bottle-print 50s cotton that I scored at the Mill Markets during a country escape to Daylesford. Watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Winnie you look stunning in this. What amazing fabric!
